EMDR Trauma Therapy in Michigan

Trauma refers to any real or perceived life-threatening situation that causes you emotional distress. Research shows that trauma, especially childhood trauma, can negatively impact your physical and mental health in different ways including possible increased risk of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and other potentially risky behaviors, including self-medicating with drugs and alcohol or engaging in self-harm. Untreated trauma can also impact sleep, work performance and your relationships with family, friends, and intimate partners.

Some may develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms after a trauma. But even if you don't develop PTSD, your past trauma may still affect your self-esteem, relationships, and sense of safety in the world.

EMDR therapy can be extremely valuable in helping you resolve traumatic memories and improve your mental health.

Sometimes it's not so easy to leave the past behind us.

My clients have experienced various types of traumas over the course of their lives. Here are some common types of traumas I treat in my practice:

Types of Trauma

Complex trauma can be challenging to define, as it doesn't necessarily have a specific beginning or end. This type of trauma could continue or repeat for a prolonged period of time for months or years and may entail multiple forms of trauma. Some examples include childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, and cases of physical and sexual abuse.  

Complex Trauma

Oppression, discrimination, and maltreatment due to race are common issues that minority populations face. This type of trauma is often intergenerational and collective. However, it can still feel incredibly isolating for the person enduring it.

Racist Injury and Racial Trauma

An American is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. Sexual assault includes any unwanted sexual act. This type of trauma can significantly impact one's emotional and physical health.

Sexual Abuse/Rape

Physical abuse includes any act of violence, such as hitting, pushing, kicking, or otherwise assaulting. Many clients who were physically abused as children internalize that they somehow "deserved" the torture they received.

Physical Abuse

Emotional abuse can include within any relationship, but it's often most traumatic when it's between a child and caregiver or romantic partners. Emotional abuse can include threats, coercion, name-calling, criticism, and hostility.

Emotional Abuse

Many people find that participating in EMDR profoundly changes their lives. They no longer feel as reactive to the trauma memories, and they can replace negative thoughts with more positive beliefs.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based therapy commonly used for treating trauma and PTSD symptoms. Both the American Psychiatric Association and World Health Organization endorse it as an effective treatment for both children and adults.

EMDR Therapy in Michigan

  • Improved self-esteem: Healing from trauma isn't an easy task, but working through this psychological stress develops a sense of resilience. Through the natural healing process, many clients find that they cultivate a much stronger sense of self-worth.
  • Healthier relationships: Trauma can affect trust in relationships. You may find that you're too rigid or distant from others. Or, you might be overly clingy without any boundaries. EMDR can help you develop a healthier sense of self, and you will bring that self into your relationships.
  • Improved physical health: Research continues to show that the mind and body are highly connected. We hold stress in our bodies. Learning how to attune to your body sensations and practice more mindfulness (which is a key component in treating trauma) may reduce symptoms of chronic pain, fatigue, gastrointestinal distress, and headaches.
  • Increased performance and success: The past has a way of keeping us feeling stuck in our present. By resolving traumatic experiences, you may gain more clarity and focus in achieving your goals.

EMDR therapy or other forms of trauma talk therapy don't just treat trauma. They can dramatically improve other parts of your life, including:

Other Benefits of Trauma Therapy in Michigan

The decision to enter trauma therapy is incredibly brave. It can also feel incredibly unnerving and scary. I understand these competing emotions, and I am here to gently support you in your journey toward healing.

Trauma doesn't have to define your present or future anymore. Therapy can help you recover from the emotional and physical pain from your past.

No matter which type of trauma you endured — or which negative beliefs you hold about yourself or the world around you — I would be honored to know your story. I am here to help you untangle yourself from your past to move forward in your healing.

Starting Trauma Therapy in Michigan

Are you ready to discover a new path forward?